-->this movie..is .. amazing. Kye Petersen's story, if you dont have any clue who he is go ahead and do a wikipedia search or something of that sort because im way too tired to type it all out, but hes just 100% amazingly inspirational.
-->BASICALLY -story-in a nutshell-::
--His pops was legendary in skiing(big mountain skiing.) -- shinin' in the 80's and early 90's--but VERY very sadly, passed away on February 26, 1996--while skiing Chamonix France
[[which is supposedly known as the Death Sport Capital of the World]] :/
&& an avalanche caught Trevor[Kye's dad.]
-->Almost a decade later, Kye traveled[at age 15!!!] to Chamonix with a group of some of the greatest ski-mountainers in the world---and little Kye, rides the same run
that caused his father's life to end.
- - - - -I mean...yeah. That in itself, is indescribable. Umm...- - - -
from the very beginning of the film, youre totally absorbed//drawn in by the great filming /cinematography/ -->especially when you are put right in a scene where someone is riding, tumbles, and is at the brink of death//flying away on a rope hanging out of a helicopter. It's bone chilling--then you see the rest of the movie.
--I should probably get a dictionary out right now to start properly describing how much i sincerely enjoyed this movie. I mean jeese, my MOM made me watch it,
and my MOM isnt very much like me//we have VERY FEW similar interests.
and she said she loved it so much, shes watched it like 3 times in the past week. So weird..my mom liking extreme-sports-documentaries...
-- anyways, so i'm up at 5:34am now, writing about this movie, because its just absolutely fantastic.
It felt SO short too. Kye Petersen is just so completely and totally inspirational...i mean just hearing his story is insane, but then seeing this adorable 15 year old kid, talking and joking and man he was just like freaking sunshine. I literally kept turning to my mom going, 'HE IS SO ADORABLE. HE IS SOSOSSO ADORABLE.' hahah. this is not usually a phrase i use to describe anyone/anything but ferrets and my dogs.
But anyways---he is adorable. or *was. because the*BEST part of the movie,
is no, not when he completes his trip, LIVES after finishing the run which had killed his father..NO this is NOT the best part.
the BEST PART--is when they surprise you at the very very end, and show you
*Kye at age 17*. weeooeoeoeoeoeoooooooooowwwwwww--he is so cute.
but now...hes not 'i want to give him tons of hugz!' cute--
now he's:: 'oh my lawd i wish i was dating this gorgeous boy' ,cute.
AND THEN: you realize, "ooh..we're both 19 years of age. yummy!"
and then so cute that you think..OK I HAVE to search him on google now.
then you see he has a wordpress blog.
then you watch more of his videos..then you fall MORE in love with him.
hahaah, jokes, jokes..but im not really joking at all.
if i could go on a date with him tomorrrrrowwwwwwwww---
would i? [such a tough decision....]
ok anyways im way too tired , making stupid jokes, story of my life.
Go watch this movie, or read the book.
Night loves<3
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